Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Florida and more...

I was in Florida last week visiting my dad, my sister and my best friend. Good time overall.

While in Florida, I got the Demon Hunter story submitted to APEX, which if you read the last post, you already know. I also got "The Sand Master" (Named by the amazing Gareth Powell) submitted to Escape Pod.

Now we wait.

In the meantime, I posted "A3U Presents: The Legend of Loincloth the Destructor" on the site under stories, so go check it out when you have a chance.

Hopefully I will be able to meet my goal of having A3U:L I at 100K words by March 22nd. If I can pull that off, then it is highly likely I can start querying before my birthday in April.

Wish me luck.


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Stuff is happening!

Sorry I've been out of touch, but stuff is happening!

So, last night, I submitted my Demon Hunter story to APEX Magazine. They say I should hear something in a week.

Tonight, I should be submitting The Sand Master to Escape Pod. The story behind The Sand Master is crazy. Garth Powell, who is an amazing human being as he offers help to all of us unpublished writers, asked one night if anyone needed anything. This included character names. I asked for a character name for "an unlikely superhero on another planet". He gave me The Sand Master. Paul D. Nolan and I went from there with the brainstorming, which helped me to form the basis of the story. Stef helped me hash out the ending.

Now, it's about ready to go. Hopefully, tonight.

Counting down until the 22nd of March. It's my 3 year anniversary at work. I plan to have the final draft of A3U:L I ready for manuscript formatting by then. Then the real fun begins.

More to follow. Hopefully, good news.

Thanks for hanging in there.